
I am glad you have taken time to visit!

Maybe you will find something you want to share about yourself, or perhaps you will be inspired to write about your ponderings over my ponderings!

I am a pastor of a small church in Columbia, PA.
My hope is that what I share here on these pages may open up some dialogue with others who may agree or disagree. What I feel is important is to be open to growing and learning from others and perhaps have a chance to understand perspectives and ponderings from others.

So, grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit for awhile and let's take time to get to know one another.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is the behavior within and by some churches driving our young out of church?

Read this book review by one of my favorite professors from LTS, the book sounds like an interesting read!

Partisanship in the Hijacked Church: A Book Review

Before even reading the book, does anybody out there have any thoughts on rigidity and the church?
Should churches and their members draw strict lines that reveal such rigidity?
If so, does that include all issues or only essentials?
How do we decide upon those essentials?
Are these essentials flexible and open to change over time and with life experiences?

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