
I am glad you have taken time to visit!

Maybe you will find something you want to share about yourself, or perhaps you will be inspired to write about your ponderings over my ponderings!

I am a pastor of a small church in Columbia, PA.
My hope is that what I share here on these pages may open up some dialogue with others who may agree or disagree. What I feel is important is to be open to growing and learning from others and perhaps have a chance to understand perspectives and ponderings from others.

So, grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit for awhile and let's take time to get to know one another.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Low IQ and Conservative beliefs?


I'm wondering what others think about this article?

I do think it takes a higher level of thinking to be able to consider multiple layers to a situation, but does the article assume that just because somebody is conservative, it means that they can't do this?

Can somebody consider multiple layers to a situation or thought and remain conservative?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Scary Situation

I can't imagine how scary this was for the mother and her two girls.
I am sorry for the trucker who lost his life and for his family, who may never know what caused him to veer off that bridge.

Praise God for all the emergency workers who came to the rescue and for the Navy Seebees who (get this) happened to be at the right place at the right time with the right equipment...(simply amazing)! Plus the fact that they were willing to head there and offer their assistance reveals much about the moral fiber of our troops and that there are genuinely good people in the world still!

Thanks to the heros; something that could have been a worse tragedy was avoided!
Praise God for your willingness to serve; both the emergency crews and the military crew!

Read and see video here:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


“A New Years 2012 Inspiration and Challenge” article for our church newsletter

There is a new hand crafted wooden bench in our sanctuary. It is a bench that won’t fit everyone, but it will fit those who may feel they don’t “fit” in our sanctuary. You see, this bench is child sized.  The children of our church were immediately drawn to it. There was no need on their part to be invited to sit on it, for they knew instinctively that they were welcome there!

Before placing the bench in the sanctuary, I pondered where it could be used in Salem. Some recommended placing it in the sanctuary and I have to admit that I was hesitant at first. My hesitation was more about how members would feel about the aesthetics and balance of the sanctuary’s décor than about the bench. Although the piece is lovely, I know how important our sanctuary is to our members. I wasn’t sure that the unpainted, perhaps informal piece would “fit” with the traditional formal churches white painted pews. I wondered if the nursery would be a better home for it. I quickly handed the decision to God’s care so that I could turn my attention towards other needs at Salem.

And as the day marched on my mind was turning to our next conversation about congregational vitality (during service on January 29). I prayed about where God was calling Salem in 2012, and for guidance about how I am to be a part of the plan. I believe that Salem’s members have a strong commitment and dedication to God, as well as a desire and willingness to do what it takes to not only continue here, but also to make room for New Life to enter in and make its home here. While I prayed, my mind was taken to that bench along with the words from Mark 1:3: “Make Way for the Lord;” spoken by John so long ago, but still calling out to all of us today.

In that moment, the little bench transformed for me into a symbol for making the way for the Lord; a Lord who can become very real to us in all times and places and situations, even in something as unexpected and as simple as a child sized bench. For many reasons, there are many in our community who feel they don’t “fit” into a church or sanctuary anymore and sadly there are churches and church members who reinforce this message with negativity, inflexibility and judgment. In God’s marvelous way of working among us and in us, the gift of this bench can serve to remind us that God’s house is open for everyone; no matter one’s age, size, occupation, skin color, ability level, sexuality, cultural background, financial status, etc. etc…  Not only does God welcome with open arms, but calls us to do the same because we need one another to carry out the work Jesus began!

What John was proclaiming in the River Jordan wasn’t only about clearing the way for Jesus to come through; after all, I am sure Jesus can do that for Himself. What this incident in scripture seems to be saying to us here in Salem Church and also in every time and place is that the time John speaks about is now. It is a time to clear things away, make way for and draw closer to the Lord. It is time to clear away the clutter, to allow our ever present loving God to seek us out, to bring us to unexpected and unimaginable places, and to make space in our lives and in our church for new understandings in how God is seeking to guide us as we move toward the calling and the mission that God has before us.

Far more important than filling pews, offering plates and volunteer rosters; making way for the Lord is the invitational call for us to continually work to clear the path as we travel along in life, inviting others to join us along the way in journeying closer to Jesus together. Opening ourselves up to whatever it takes to make way for the Lord will require a positive outlook, flexibility and compassionate understanding of those who don’t feel they “fit” in church so that they can not only have their path cleared, but also so that our paths become clearer. Let’s take on a New Years Challenge for Salem. Let’s make 2012 be the year to search out creative ways to be more invitational to all God’s children inside and outside of our sanctuary. Together, let’s make way for the Lord!

Have a blessed 2012!
Pastor Elizabeth